Mid-Year Change To Activate Your Classroom

Teacher Burnout! 

We all feel it at one time or another but especially mid-year! It's that feeling that you won't get it all done or that you just can't face another day with the stress and repetition of the classroom. So h

ow do you re-energize? 

Tweak your lesson plan with something new! Here are some ideas


Make Snow Angels... Indoors 

The next time you

read a story

look for movement opportunities. 

The Snowy Day

 is a great book to keep your kids active while enjoying the story

Make Transitions Active!

Use music, exercises, or play a game like this one with different color feet on the floor. 

If you are on the yellow feet, waddle like a duck to the line! 

Celebrate 100 Days of School!

Play active counting games such as 

100 jogging feet... 

...or 100 seconds to hold a dog pose in Yoga! Or any of the 

Yoga poses!

How do you keep your preschool active?


Ways Your Summer Camp Can Inspire


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