5 Ways To Appreciate Your Teacher!

It's Teacher Appreciation Week! While it's important to thank your teachers every day, here are some ways to make sure your teachers know how much you appreciate them.

Do A Fun Fitness Class- Use the next professional day to give them a Zumba or Yoga class.

Host A Thank You Breakfast- Here are some creative ideas for a Yogurt Bar, Breakfast Kebabs, and  Breakfast To Go. Parents can help by bringing in food for a potluck style breakfast.

Give Them A Break- Offer them a break during the day where you will take over the class. Be silly about it and give them a Kit Kat bar too. 

Bring Flowers For The Classroom- Surprise them with flowers in the classroom. This is a great way to brighten their day! 

Spruce Up The Teachers' Lounge- Organize the space, bring in potted plants or flowers, hang pictures with inspiring quotes, and clean the coffee pot. Enlist parents to help!

How have you celebrated Teacher Appreciation Week in the past?


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